Meet Our Team


Emily Cooley, M.Ed, CRC

Certified Rehabilitation Counselor

Goal Setting and Motivation Specialist

We all have different characteristics and skills that make us a necessity to this world. We each have a purpose and a place. Do you need help to discover what these things are, what gives you that unique potential? If so, I’m here to help. While I was working on my undergraduate studies at Auburn University, I began to learn more about how to help people that were facing some of life’s biggest hurdles. Some of those hurdles include physical handicaps, traumatic experiences, addiction, and incarceration. Maybe you think it is too hard and there is not much of anywhere to go after running into one of those hurdles. Maybe you have hit one of those hurdles and you think it is a wall. I am here to help you see that this hurdle is not a wall and there is a way over this hurdle life has put in your path. In fact, you may come to even see how this experience can be useful to you in all that you have ahead of you!

While I worked toward my bachelor’s in Rehabilitation and Disability Studies, I was given many opportunities to take steps outside of my comfort zone even working as an intern inside of prison walls with the Alabama Prison Birth Project at Julia Tutwiler Prison for Women. Little did I know, this leap of faith was just the beginning of my journey providing valuable assistance to those who have been marginalized and, quite often given up on, by society. 

Throughout my experience at Tutwiler I got to work with pregnant and post-partum incarcerated Moms. It was there that I developed a love and a heart I had never felt for those imprisoned, battling addiction, or facing other major hurdles that impact their ability to discover and reach their potential that I believe as humans, we are all entitled to have. ENTITLED TO HAVE.

During my experiences and conversations with each incarcerated individual, one of the biggest needs I noticed was that of re-entry. Re-entry is such a major source of worry and anxiety for any individual facing change whether it be transitioning from incarceration to the free world, seeking sobriety following a battle with addiction, or just feeling like you don’t have direction in your life. Hey, I get it! Change can be hard! I recognized a need here, and just knew that I wanted to be that person walking with you through these difficult, scary transitions.

I love to use methods that are research based and shown to be effective. Throughout my graduate studies at Auburn University, I was given the enormous opportunity to work as a research assistant, partnering with the Alabama Department of Corrections and the Prison Rape Elimination Act, performing both quantitative and qualitative research inside of Alabama’s women’s state prisons. 

Maybe you have lost your motivation and need some help finding it again. I would love to help! I continue to learn more about the advancements in Motivational Interviewing that I can use to help YOU find your own internal motivation.

Maybe you just need some help articulating your path forward in life. We can use goal-setting techniques such as SMART goals, and evaluations of core beliefs, values, and skills to help you move forward with purpose, from a recognition of your own worth and potential.

Ready to work with me? Call the office and set an appointment. I have morning and evening appointment times available.

Still have a few questions? Call the office and set up a free 15 minute question and answer time.

I look forward to hearing from you!


  • BS in Rehabilitation and Disability Studies from Auburn University

  • M.Ed in Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling from Auburn University

Special Training

  • Certified Rehabilitation Counselor