Feelings Check
We often use the feelings wheel at Hope House so Kaley Ann shares some ways she helps clients use this simple tool.
What is a feelings wheel?
A feelings wheel is a tool that can help you identify an emotion, or emotions, you are feeling. It can be used to identify how you are currently feeling or how you felt at a particular time. Whether you are familiar with emotions or not, it can be challenging to think about the possible emotions, so this is a guide to make it easier.
How do I use a feelings wheel?

What is Depression? A Look at Depression
More and more people are struggling with symptoms of depression these days. Sometimes we don’t even realize that our symptoms might indicate depression, so we minimize their importance and deny our suffering. Depression Therapy Birmingham, AL

What is Anxiety? A Look At Anxiety
Excessive, uncontrollable worry and anxiety about a number of events or activities, accompanied by three (or more) of the following symptoms, Restlessness or feeling keyed-up or on edge, Fatigue, Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank, Irritability, Muscle tension, and Difficulty sleeping (trouble falling or staying asleep, or restless, unsatisfying sleep).

What Is Infidelity? A Guide To Better Understanding
While infidelity may seem straightforward we are often asked, what is infidelity? Infidelity is essentially about not being faithful to a commitment, living a dishonest life, and hurting someone who counted on your honesty and faithfulness.

FANOS: A daily check-in process that is easy and structured
FANOS is couples sharing exercise developed by Debra Laaser that many have found very helpful as a way to reconnect at the end of the day and stay connected throughout the week. My wife and I have been using it for years ourselves and it is often talked about and recommended by us CSAT therapists.

Attempts at Rationalization
Whether facing sex addiction, betrayal trauma, grief, drug/alcohol addiction, or any number of mental health issues and life issues, one of the common issues is rationalization. Sex addicts rationalize that it really is not hurting anyone. The betrayed loved ones of addicts who have been unfaithful rationalize away their feelings of hurt. It is a powerful tool and it is used as a defense mechanism to hide from a truth we usually already know.

Moving Forward from Pain
What’s the one thing that you keep wanting but don’t choose? What’s a longing of your heart that you are too afraid to imagine coming true for you?

The Problems List
Whether you are experiencing grief, sex addiction, betrayal, infidelity, trauma, depression, anxiety, or many of the other common issues that beset us, denial is almost there to hold us back from healing. There are a number of tools and assessments I have used to help clients break through various aspects of denial. One of the most straightforward and effective tools I teach my clients is how to create and utilize a problems list.

Sexual Dependency Inventory
The Sexual Dependency Inventory (SDI-V4) is one of the most robust instruments for assisting you in determining if you suffer from sex addiction and would call yourself a sex addict. Secondly, it helps us determine what behaviors we will focus on in treatment if you are a sex addict or even if you are not a sex addict but just have some sexual behaviors you want to stop.

Top Ten Reasons to Take Assessments
Using assessments is a way to get a more descriptive picture of your strengths and the specific areas where you can focus on growing and strengthening.