30 Tasks

30 Tasks

There are lots of addicts and lots of addictions, with new ones being realized everyday.  Alcoholics, drug addicts, pain pill addicts, shopping addicts, gambling addicts, screen time addicts...and the list goes on. Even inherently good things are addictive as we see sex addicts, love addicts, relationship addicts, and overeating addicts. It seems like we are becoming a nation full of addicts! Much of our culture pushes us toward addiction but many realize the unhealthy obsession and compulsion and know their lives would be better off if they stopped the substance or behavior. Then the real problem hits.


You stop for a while but then repeat the behavior despite adverse consequences. If you want to prevent relapse and break the addictive cycle, help is here in the 30 Tasks. 

Dr. Patrick Carnes conducted a revolutionary study of addicts and asked the question—Why are some of these people experiencing freedom from their addictive behaviors, but others continue to relapse and experience pain? What was the difference between those with long-term sobriety and those who continued to relapse?

Dr. Carnes found that those with long-term sobriety had a certain set of life skills. And just like every person on a journey to something important, there are certain tasks that must be completed to achieve these life skills. Dr Carnes developed 30 distinct life skills, each with distinct exercises (or performables).