Are there things you want to do but, no matter hard you try, you just can’t?
Trying to tell someone no but keep on giving in (even if that person is yourself)?
Can't accept someone else's love?
Trying to get ahead in your career but you keep holding yourself back?
Keep doing things you don't want to do, no matter how hard you try to stop?
A lot of times it is trauma that keeps us stuck in old patterns. Trauma from the past holds us back from doing the things we want to do today. Traumatic events can come in all shapes and sizes ("Big T" trauma and "little t" trauma) but they have one thing in common, they leave a mark on your life that affects you today. Sometimes those painful events from the PAST can even see to control your life TODAY. Get freedom from that! I use specifically targeted methods to help my clients
EMDR can help you do the following:
Discover the events and/or beliefs that are holding you back.
Confront, reprocess, and work through the false beliefs that limit you.
Live with more effective beliefs, feel comfortable with your emotions, and do the things you want.
EMDR is stands for eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. Through your eyes moving back and forth (or tapping back and forth on each side of your body or hearing tones/music back and forth on each side of your body) your body is stimulated in a way that you can uninstall negative thoughts and replace them with more preferred thoughts. And your therapist can teach you how to practice some EMDR techniques at home!