In Facing...Solutions, you learn about identifying neuropathway interaction, functional and dysfunctional arousal patterns, and maintaining a healthy support system. This is appropriate if you think you have a sex addiction or even if you just have certain sexual behaviors you want to stop and never repeat (ex: sexting, flirting, or any form of cheating on your spouse).
Group participants will grow in the following life skills:
Participating in a culture of support
Developing a relationship with a sponsor
Knowing the signs of a healthy group
Learning the physical aspects of addiction
Understanding the neuropathway interaction of multiple substances and behaviors
Understanding first and second order change
Understanding the concept of a paradigm shift and integrating self-limitation
Reducing anxiety through internal skills
Responding appropriately to a crisis
Group participants will grow in these life skills by completing some of the following exercises:
Your Experience With the Two Types of Change
Damage Control Worksheet
Your Sexual Addiction Matrix
Your Sexual Health Matrix
Fantasy Worksheet
Your Arousal Template
Mirror of Desire
Sources of Deep Desire
Important People Inventory
All of the FACING groups are small groups of peers led by a CSAT or CSAT candidate that work through exercises in Patrick Carnes’ book, Facing The Shadow. Groups encourage each other in between sessions through phone calls, listen to each other’s presented work, and give feedback meant to encourage you on your journey of sobriety.
Pass a prescreening by group leader
Ongoing therapy with an individual therapist who recommends your participation in this educational support group.
Signed release of information between group leader and your individual therapist
Required for continued involvement
Presence and full participation in all group sessions
Completion of homework between sessions and support of peers between sessions