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Facing…Sexual and Relationship Integrity
Using Patrick Carnes’ famous book Facing The Shadow, group members will engage in focused skill building through completing specific exercises that all link together to form a cohesive whole toward sexual and relationship integrity.

In Facing...The Problem, we start to break through denial, understand the nature of addictive illness, understand sexual addiction, and understand the process of entering recovery. This is appropriate if you think you have a sex addiction or you are not sure and you want to find out more about these topics.

Learn about using clearly stated boundaries of sobriety and managing life without dysfunctional sexual behavior. This group is appropriate if you think you have a sex addiction or even if you just have certain sexual behaviors you want to stop and never repeat (ex: sexting, flirting, or any form of cheating on your spouse).

Learn about identifying neuropathway interaction, functional and dysfunctional arousal patterns, and maintaining a healthy support system. This group is appropriate if you think you have a sex addiction or even if you just have certain sexual behaviors you want to stop and never repeat (ex: sexting, flirting, or any form of cheating on your spouse).